Anal Cancer Doctor Explains Recovery from Anal Surgery

  • 7th Mar, 2022
  • Blog

Anal Cancer Doctor Explains Recovery from Anal Surgery

Anal surgery can be very extensive but sometimes can be essential to ensure that the anal cancer is completely extracted from the body. Patients usually require 2-3 weeks to recover from anal surgery before getting back to their normal routine. In the following section, Dr Purnendu Bhowmik, an anal cancer doctor in Kolkata provides the best tips to recover smoothly after anal surgery.

How to recover smoothly after anal surgery?

Keep bowels soft and moving

The best thing one can do to facilitate their recovery is to keep their bowels soft and moving. Most of the discomfort and pain people face after this surgery is linked to bowel movements. 

Staying hydrated

One should stay hydrated by drinking sufficient water and fruit juices as getting dehydrated can cause hard stool and constipation, which leads to further discomfort, says the anal cancer surgery doctor in Kolkata.

Keep eating

One must continue to eat. Some people tend to fast or eat less after the surgery to avoid bowel movements but end up feeling constipated after a few days. When this happens, stools get difficult to pass and can lead to fissures.

Eat healthily

One should eat healthily and avoid foods that can cause constipation. Including fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet is helpful to keep the bowel movement healthy. One should avoid excessively spicy and hot foods as that might burn on the way out.

Soak in hot water

Most of the pain and discomfort people encounter after anal surgery is linked to bowel movements and is directly due to cramping and spasm of the sphincter muscle. The best method to get instant relief is to soak in hot water immediately after a bowel movement. 

Soak for at least 20 minutes 3 times a day in plain hot water. It is the most useful way to control pain. It helps to heal better and quickly, provides instant relief when pain medications are not helping, improves the area’s blood supply and keeps it clean, says the anal cancer surgery doctor in Kolkata.

Know when to call the doctor

It is normal to have bleeding after surgery and often it happens with bowel movements. But, if one is continuously passing blood clots or dripping large amounts of blood that doesn’t stop, they should consult their doctor. Patients who encounter bleeding so significantly that they require a trip back to the operating room are rare.
For more details, consult Dr Purnendu Bhowmik, an anal cancer doctor in Kolkata.