Diagnosis and treatment of anal fissure by the best fissure doctor

  • 21st Nov, 2022
  • Blog

Diagnosis and treatment of anal fissure by the best fissure doctor

In addition to performing a physical examination that includes a gentle inspection of the anal area, the best fissure doctor also inquires about your medical history. The tear is often visible, and the examination is usually required to identify an anal fissure. An acute anal fissure resembles a paper cut or a new tear. Apart from having a deeper tear, a chronic anal fissure may also contain internal or external fleshy growths. If a fissure persists for more than eight weeks, it is considered a chronic fissure.

Diagnosis of anal fissure- Says the best fissure doctor


Your doctor will use an anoscope, a tube instrument, to assist them in seeing the rectum and anus.

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

The bottom part of your colon will be diagnosed by your doctor by inserting a thin, flexible tube with a little video. If you are under 50 and have no risk factors for colon cancer or gastrointestinal disease, this test may be performed on you.


To examine your whole colon, a proctologist in Kolkata will put a flexible tube into your rectum. If you are older than 50 and have risk factors for colon cancer, other diseases, or other symptoms, including diarrhea or abdominal discomfort, this test may be performed on you.

Treatment of anal fissure

If you take measures to keep your stool soft, such as increasing your fiber and water intake, anal fissures frequently heal within a few weeks. The sphincter can be relaxed, and healing can be supported by soaking in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes many times a day, especially after bowel movements.

You’ll probably require more medical attention if your symptoms persist.

Non-surgical procedures

The best fissure doctor could advise the following non-surgical treatment depending on the condition of your anal fissure:

  • Externally applied nitroglycerin (Rectiv)

It is given externally to alleviate pain, improve healing, and aid relax the anal sphincter. When other conservative medical treatments fail, nitroglycerin is usually regarded as the preferred option. Headaches, which can be quite severe, are possible side effects.

  • Topical anesthetic creams

It is used for pain relief, and medications like lidocaine hydrochloride (Xylocaine) could be useful.

  • Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) injection

It is used to calm spasms and immobilize the anal sphincter muscle.

  • Blood pressure medications

The anal sphincter can be relaxed with medications like diltiazem (Cardizem) or oral nifedipine (Procardia). These drugs can be used when nitroglycerin is ineffective or has serious negative effects. They can be ingested or used topically.

Surgical procedure

The best fissure doctor could advise surgery if you have a persistent anal fissure and are unresponsive to previous therapies or if your symptoms are severe. In order to reduce discomfort and facilitate healing, doctors frequently conduct a technique known as lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS), which involves severing a tiny piece of the anal sphincter muscle. According to studies, laser fissure surgery is the most effective treatment option for persistent fissures. Surgery does, however, have a minor risk of resulting in incontinence.