Early Signs & Causes of Hernia- Says a Hernia Specialist

  • 31st Oct, 2022
  • Blog

Early Signs & Causes of Hernia- Says a Hernia Specialist

A hernia happens when tissue, like the part of the intestine, extends through the weak spot of abdominal muscles. The bulge that happens can be painful, especially during actions like coughing, bending, or lifting a heavy object. In this blog, you will learn various symptoms, causes, and treatments of hernia as explained by a hernia specialist in Kolkata.

Signs & symptoms of a hernia- Explained by a hernia specialist

Here are some of the symptoms of a hernia explained by a hernia doctor in Kolkata:

  • A visible bulge in the region on either side of the pubic bone when a person is upright, particularly while coughing or having strain.
  • An aching or burning sensation in the area of the bulge.
  • Discomfort or pain in the groin area, particularly while bending over, lifting heavy objects, or coughing.
  • A dragging or heavy sensation in the groin area.
  • Pressure or weaknesses in the groin area.
  • Occasional swelling and pain around the area of testicles when the intestine extends and descends into the scrotum.
  • Vomiting, nausea, or both.
  • High fever.
  • A hernia bulges, turning into a black colour.
  • Inefficiency or discomfort in the bowel movement or passing gas.

Hernias can also be noticed among newborn babies and children due to weaknesses in the abdominal wall, which is present at birth. Hernia can also be visible among infants when they cry, cough, or strain during bowel movements. A hernia can be more apparent in the case of older children when they strain during bowel movement, stand for a long time, or cough.

Causes of hernia- Explained by a hernia specialist

According to the best hernia surgeon in Kolkata, here are some causes or reasons that might lead to a hernia:

  • Enhanced pressure within the area of the abdomen.
  • A pre-existing weak spot on the wall of the abdomen.
  • Straining during urination or bowel movements.
  • Strenuous activity.
  • Chronic sneezing or coughing.
  • Pregnancy.

Apart from the causes mentioned above, here are some risk factors involved that can lead to the development of a hernia:

  • Men are eight times more prone to develop a hernia compared to women.
  • Muscles weaken as you grow old.
  • Chronic cough from smoking.
  • Chronic constipation causes strain at the time of bowel movements.
  • Pregnancy can weaken the abdominal muscles, causing enhanced pressure in the abdomen.
  • Hernias are more common in babies born prematurely with low birth weight.

These are some of the symptoms and causes of a hernia explained by a hernia specialist in Kolkata.