Fatty Liver’s Contribution To Gallstones-By Gallstone Surgeon

  • 22nd Aug, 2022
  • Blog

Fatty Liver’s Contribution To Gallstones-By Gallstone Surgeon

What is fatty liver?

Hepatic steatosis is another term for fatty liver. It occurs when fat accumulates in the liver. Little amounts of fat in your liver are normal, but too much can harm your health, says the best gallstone surgeon in Kolkata.

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are solidified deposits of the digestive fluid in the gallbladder.

Fatty liver is a contributing factor to gallstones

Fatty liver, also comprehended as hepatic steatosis, is a condition in which the liver stores excess fat. 

Cirrhosis, or late-stage scarring (fibrosis) in the liver, is the most serious complication of untreated fatty liver. Cirrhosis develops as a result of liver inflammation. Scarring occurs as the liver attempts to reduce inflammation. With continued inflammation, the scarring extends to take up more liver tissue, eventually leading to cirrhosis. Furthermore, fatty liver significantly increases the risk of developing gallstones, says the surgical gastroenterologist in Kolkata.

Fatty liver is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of certain fats (triglycerides) within liver cells. Fatty liver causes liver inflammation, which reduces liver functions and leads to cirrhosis. Being overweight or obese, high levels of fats (particularly triglycerides) in the blood and high blood sugar levels (diabetes) may contribute to fatty liver.

Gallstones are solidified deposits of digestive fluid (bile) in the gallbladder. Stones are primarily caused by the precipitation of calcium salts or cholesterol in bile. The most common type of gallstone is known as “cholesterol gallstones,” and they are often chalk white or greenish-yellow in color due to the presence of undissolved cholesterol as the main component, says the best gallstone surgeon in Kolkata.

Fatty liver is relatively linked to cholesterol gallstones due to similar risk factors. Fatty liver is distinguished by an excess of fats, including cholesterol. When the concentration of hepatic cholesterol increases, bile acids, molecules synthesized from cholesterol in the liver are affected. It causes more cholesterol precipitation in bile, which leads to cholesterol gallstones, the most common type of gallstone.


Because fatty liver usually has no visible signs and symptoms, regular check-ups are highly recommended. To reduce the risks of fatty liver and its complications, it is advised to maintain a healthy weight, consume a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, avoid alcohol, and exercise regularly. If you notice any signs of the condition, seek immediate medical attention, says the best gallstone surgeon in Kolkata.