Long-term Management and Lifestyle Adaptations after GERD Surgery

  • 29th Jun, 2023
  • Blog

Long-term Management and Lifestyle Adaptations after GERD Surgery

Like any other surgery, GERD surgery requires careful attention and post surgery follow ups with the medical professionals. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) surgery aims to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

GERD treatment surgery provides a significant relief from the gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms. However the journey ends there, post surgery management is a crucial stage of recovery. It plays an important role in maintaining the benefits and preventing recurrence.

In this blog, we explore the significance of post surgery care, including regular follow ups and ongoing communication with medical professionals, in ensuring favourable outcomes.

Ongoing Follow Up Care

Post GERD surgery, regular followup care is crucial to see the progress, address concerns, and ensure optimal outcomes. Here are some key aspects of the ongoing follow up care.

  • Postoperative visits: Schedule follow-up appointments with your surgeon to assess healing, discuss any symptoms or complications, and evaluate overall progress.
  • Diagnostic tests: Your healthcare provider may recommend periodic tests, such as pH monitoring or upper endoscopy, to assess the effectiveness of the surgery and identify any potential issues.
  • Medication management: Depending on your specific case, your doctor may adjust or discontinue medications used to manage GERD symptoms. Close monitoring ensures a safe transition.

Lifestyle Modification

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits can contribute to the long term management after GERD treatment surgery. Here are some of the points that need to be kept in mind:

  • Diet: Sticking to a GERD-friendly diet that is suggested by the doctor is a must. Avoiding triggering food like spicy, oily, acidic items is also a must. Prescribed and suggested food needs to be taken frequently and in smaller amounts. Avoid taking food close to bedtime.
  • Weight management: Maintain a healthy weight as excess weight can put pressure on the stomach, leading to increased reflux. Patients require regular exercise and a balanced food that can help achieve this goal.
  • Quitting alcohol and cigarettes: Giving up on smoking and drinking as it weakens the lower esophageal sphincter, exacerbating GERD symptoms.
GERD Treatment Surgery

Potential Challenges

While GERD surgery can provide long-term relief, there may be potential challenges to consider.

  • Postoperative complications: Although rare, complications such as difficulty swallowing, gas bloating, or excessive flatulence can occur after surgery. Communicate any concerns promptly to your healthcare provider.
  • Recurrence of symptoms: While surgery significantly reduces GERD symptoms, there is a chance of symptom recurrence over time. Regular follow-up care and ongoing lifestyle modifications are crucial to minimise the risk.
  • Need for revision surgery: In certain cases, additional surgical intervention may be required due to recurrent symptoms or complications. Consult with your surgeon if you experience persistent or worsening symptoms.

Wrapping Up

Long-term management is vital after undergoing GERD treatment surgery to maintain the benefits achieved and prevent symptom recurrence. By prioritising ongoing follow-up care, adopting healthy lifestyle modifications, and addressing potential challenges proactively, individuals can maximise the success of their GERD treatment , keep the problem under control and enjoy improved quality of life.