Minimally Invasive Fistula Treatment: Fistula Surgeon Explains

  • 16th Jun, 2022
  • Blog

Minimally Invasive Fistula Treatment: Fistula Surgeon Explains

An anal fistula is a painful condition that can only be treated surgically. Fistula surgery has a bad rep for being difficult and dangerous. So, when you’re faced with the prospect of complicated surgery, you might wonder if it’s better to suffer through your fistula symptoms.



Well, with advancements in surgical treatment, there is no need to feel concerned and live with a fistula for the rest of your life. 

According to Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik, a fistula surgeon in Kolkata, a minimally invasive procedure can help you resolve your anal fistula safely, quickly, and effectively.

Fistula Laser Treatment (One of the Most Minimally Invasive Surgery)

To treat this condition, doctors now use a variety of minimally invasive fistula procedures. Some people use protein glue to seal the fistula tract. Collagen plugs are used by others. Regrettably, these options do not always yield long-term results.

That doesn’t rule out the possibility of a minimally invasive solution to your fistula problem. 

According to fistula surgeons, laser surgery is the best minimally invasive fistula treatment in Kolkata.

Laser surgery involves the insertion of a special laser instrument into the fistula tract. The doctor slowly withdraws the tool once it reaches the far end of the fistula. The probe emits energy in a 360-degree pattern as it moves backward through the tract.

The laser energy destroys the tract lining while being gentle on the surrounding tissue, and the tract shrinks. The scar tissue that forms as the ablated tissue heals keeps the fistula closed.

Benefits of Fistula Laser Treatment

Fistula laser treatment in Kolkata is minimally invasive; therefore, the procedure does not involve large incisions. 

While doctors sometimes may use a few stitches to close up the end of the tract after applying the laser energy, no major incisions are needed for this procedure.

As the procedure is the least invasive, your recovery time will be shorter than if you had a fistulectomy or fistulotomy (a conventional and complicated surgery,) which may necessitate weeks of recovery. 

Another significant advantage of laser surgery is that sphincter damage is less likely. Hence, the risk of developing incontinence (inability to control bowel movement) following the procedure is reduced.

Finally, laser surgery is one of the most effective options for treating an anal fistula. 
According to studies, the first-time success rate is higher than 64%, says one of the best fistula doctors in Kolkata. And, unlike plugs and glues, which may lose their effectiveness over time, successful laser surgery can permanently solve your fistula problems.