Phimosis & Paraphimosis – By Circumcision Clinic

  • 11th Aug, 2022
  • Blog

Phimosis & Paraphimosis – By Circumcision Clinic

What Is Phimosis?


Phimosis is a medical disorder in which the foreskin tightens and fails to retract over the glans penis, says an expert of a well-known circumcision clinic in Kolkata. Several circumstances play a crucial role in the development of phimosis. Recurrent urinary tract infections, harsh foreskin handling, foreskin damage, eczema, genital herpes, lichen planus, psoriasis, gonorrhea, and syphilis are thought to be key factors.

Correct and quick diagnosis and treatment are required in this condition since they can lead to further significant problems. If you have phimosis, you may experience swelling, itching, discomfort, and redness around your penis. You may also experience significant pain and discomfort while urinating, erections, or attempting to retract the foreskin.

As a result, you must get your phimosis treated as soon as possible and correctly to avoid future difficulties. Untreated phimosis can potentially result in significant consequences such as balanitis, balanoposthitis, penile cancer, and paraphimosis, says the expert of laser circumcision in Kolkata.

What Is Paraphimosis?

Paraphimosis is a dangerous urological illness that can strike males at any age. The foreskin gets trapped behind the head of the penis and does not return to its natural position in this circumstance. This is a serious urological disorder that might block blood flow to the glans penis. In such cases, prompt treatment is required since paraphimosis can develop into a number of serious consequences.

The main causes of paraphimosis are phimosis, penile piercing, trauma to the genital region, foreskin that is tighter than normal, vigorous sexual activities, a circumcision that was not completed correctly, infection due to poor hygiene or forceful retraction of the foreskin, or diabetes, says the expert of circumcision surgery in Kolkata.


Phimosis treatment also prevents paraphimosis and other ailments that it might cause if left untreated. A urologist best treats phimosis. Following a correct diagnosis, the urologist suggests a course of therapy. If your phimosis is diagnosed early, your doctor will prescribe medicines and ointments. This softens the tissue of your foreskin, making it readily retractable.

On the other hand, medication and topical ointments take a long time to show benefits, and in certain circumstances, they may not be beneficial. Circumcision is used to treat severe phimosis when no medications or topical ointments are helpful or show no good outcomes.

Circumcision is a medical operation in which the surgeon surgically removes the foreskin of the penis. Circumcision can be done by open surgery or with laser surgery. Open surgery entails incisions, bleeding, pain, and discomfort, and it is a difficult treatment with a significant risk of problems during or after the procedure. The healing period following open surgery is also lengthy and unpleasant. However, current and improved laser circumcision is a simpler, safer, more accurate and effective treatment, says the expert of the circumcision clinic in Kolkata.

During laser circumcision, the surgeon removes the foreskin with a high-intensity laser beam. It is a minimally invasive technique with no large incisions, bleeding, pain, or discomfort. The foreskin is carefully removed with this surgical technique, keeping the surrounding tissues intact. 

It is a treatment in which you are discharged after a few hours. The laser circumcision takes around 10-15 minutes to complete. Complications during or after laser circumcision are likewise nearly non-existent. The patient heals quickly and without complications following laser circumcision.In comparison to open surgery, laser circumcision is thought to be a more successful and long-term treatment for phimosis. You should see a urologist as soon as you notice signs of phimosis, says the expert of laser circumcision in Kolkata.