Warning Signs of Anal Fissures-By Proctologist

  • 18th Jul, 2022
  • Blog

Warning Signs of Anal Fissures-By Proctologist

An anal fissure is a rip in the tissue that lines the anus, which is frequently confused with hemorrhoids. Anal fissures heal with conservative treatment in most cases, says a well-known proctologist in Kolkata.

Ignoring the warning signs of this condition, on the other hand, may delay healing or turn your acute problem into a chronic condition.

We’ll go over some of the warning signs of anal fissures so you can get the help you need as soon as possible.

anal fissures

Anal fissures are a typical problem that affects people of all ages. They happen when the anal tissue stretches past its limit, resulting in a tiny tear — or crack. When passing large, dry, hard stool, overstretching is common.

The pain caused by the tear causes the anal sphincter muscles to spasm and tighten, cutting off blood supply and potentially delaying healing. With each bowel movement, the cycle of pain, muscle spasms, and lack of blood flow continues. Anal fissure treatment focuses on disrupting this pattern so that the tear can heal, says the best fissure doctor in Kolkata.

Most anal fissures heal within eight weeks if diagnosed and treated early. However, if you overlook the warning signs and delay seeking treatment, you may end up in a cycle that eventually leads to a chronic anal fissure.

Anal fissure warning signs

Severe pain during a bowel movement is the most common warning sign of an anal fissure. The pain may last for a few minutes or a few hours after you use the restroom.

Other warning signs of an anal fissure are:

• Blood in the stool

• Noticeable tear

• Itching or burning sensation

• Urination discomfort

The severe pain you experience during and after a bowel movement may cause you to avoid going, says the laser fissure surgeon in Kolkata. However, holding stool increases your risk of constipation and passing hard, dry stools, which can cause further damage — a Catch-22 situation.

Healing your anal fissure

With conservative treatment, most anal fissures heal. Most treatments focus on preventing constipation and softening stools. Most doctors also recommend drinking plenty of water and increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods.

Soaking in warm water for 10-20 minutes 3 times daily may help relax your anal sphincter, prevent muscle spasms and promote tear healing.If your anal fissure does not heal within eight weeks, your doctor may suggest more aggressive treatment, such as surgery, to stop the muscle spasms and allow the tear to heal, says the proctologist in Kolkata.