What Advanced Treatment Measures are Used for Colorectal Cancer.

  • 27th Sep, 2021
  • Blog

What Advanced Treatment Measures are Used for Colorectal Cancer.

Different types of cancer specialists usually collaborate as part of a multidisciplinary team to develop an individual’s overall treatment plan, which typically includes or combines various kinds of treatments. The stage and type of colon and rectal cancer, along with possible side effects, the preferences of the patient and his or her overall health, all influence treatment recommendations.

How is the Best Colorectal Cancer Treatment Plan Selected

Take the time to learn about all of your treatment options (which may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy), and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you have any concerns. Discuss the objectives of each procedure with your doctor, as well as what to expect during treatment. When you and the doctors collaborate to identify treatment options that match your medical objectives, this is known as shared decision-making. Because there are so many treatment options for colorectal cancer, shared decision-making is very vital. Regardless of the patient’s age, studies have demonstrated that these diverse treatment modalities produce similar advantages.

Surgical Treatment

Although several colorectal cancer treatment in Kolkata options exist, surgery is the standard technique. For metastatic colorectal cancer, surgery may be combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. During an operation, the tumour and some nearby healthy tissues are removed. Surgical resection is a common term for it. This is the most prevalent colorectal cancer treatment. Surgical treatment options for colorectal cancer, in addition to resection, include:

Laparoscopic surgery

It is a type of minimally invasive surgery that could be an option for some people with colorectal cancer. Several viewing scopes are introduced into the belly while the patient is anaesthetized in this procedure. The laparoscopic procedure involves making of smaller incisions, which facilitates faster healing as compared to the general colon cancer surgery. In terms of cancer removal, laparoscopic surgery is just as effective as traditional colon surgery. Laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery is only performed by surgeons who have received particular training in the procedure.

Cryoablation or Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

Tumours that have metastasized from the colon or rectum to the liver or lungs may require surgery on those organs in some patients. RFA, or radiofrequency ablation, uses energy in the form of radiofrequency waves to heat cancerous cells, while cryoablation uses energy to freeze cancers. These treatments aren’t suitable for all liver and lung tumours. RFA can be performed through the skin or as part of a surgical procedure. While this can assist avoid removing sections of the liver and lung tissue that would otherwise be removed during a standard surgery, there is a potential that tumour fragments will remain.

The Bottom Line

It’s not always possible to recover from cancer. The cancer may be classified as terminal or advanced if it cannot be controlled or cured. This is a traumatic diagnosis, and advanced cancer is difficult to discuss for some people. However, it’s critical to have open and transparent discussions with your colorectal cancer doctor about your feelings, choices, and concerns. Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik has specialised skills, expertise, and experience to assist patients and their families. It is critical to ensure that the patient is physically comfortable, pain-free, and emotionally supported.