What should you do if your gallbladder polyps are cancerous?

  • 27th Jan, 2023
  • Blog

What should you do if your gallbladder polyps are cancerous?

Things you must do if you have cancerous gallbladder polyps.

According to a surgical gastroenterologist in Kolkata, gallbladder polyps are abnormal tissue growths that emerge from the mucous lining of your gallbladder. In most cases, gallbladder polyps are benign and cause no symptoms. Inflammation, high cholesterol deposits, or aberrant cell development may lead to gallbladder polyps. They may occasionally lead to issues such as inflammation, and around 5% of them may become malignancies. Before going into the discussion about the treatment procedure, it is essential to learn the types of gallbladder polyps, their symptoms and causes.

Different types of gallbladder polyps?


Pseudopolyps, also known as cholesterol polyps, are the outcome of a benign condition known as cholesterolosis. It indicates that you have an excess of cholesterol lipids that build and stick to the gallbladder wall, resulting in the formation of polyps.

Inflammatory polyps:

Inflammatory polyps are a kind of scar tissue linked with persistent gallbladder wall inflammation (cholecystitis).


Adenomyomatosis is an abnormal overgrowth of the gallbladder lining that results in cyst formation in the gallbladder wall. Scientists aren’t sure why it happens, but it’s not dangerous.


Adenomas are benign tumours made up of cells that look like the lining of the biliary system, which links the gallbladder to other organs. They have a.5% chance of developing cancer.

Malignant polyps:

Malignant polyps are usually an adenocarcinoma, the most common type of cancer that affects the internal organs.

Symptoms of gallbladder polyps

According to a surgical gastroenterologist in Kolkata,gallbladder polyps frequently do not produce symptoms. These are usually detected accidentally when healthcare practitioners are checking something else. However, polyps that form in the cystic duct can obstruct the passage of bile into the gallbladder, resulting in gallbladder wall inflammation (cholecystitis). Pieces that break off and migrate into the bile duct may obstruct the passage of bile out of the gallbladder, producing bile duct (cholangitis) or pancreatic inflammation (pancreatitis).

Causes of gallbladder polyps

Cholesterolosis causes cholesterol polyps, whereas cholecystitis causes inflammatory polyps. The majority of gallbladder polyps are of these two categories. Malignant polyps are often bigger than benign polyps, measuring more than 2 cm in diameter. To be safe, doctors usually advise removing polyps that are 1 centimetre or larger. They will also advise removal for inflammatory signs such as discomfort and fever. Your remaining polyps will be monitored with yearly ultrasounds.

How quickly do polyps grow in the gallbladder?

Usually, a single polyp grows less than 2 millimetres a year. A malignant polyp may grow more quickly. If your doctor notices quicker development during your annual checkup, he or she may advise you to remove the polyp.

Benign polyps are more likely to appear in groups, but malignant polyps are more likely to occur alone. If your polyps grow rapidly, they are most likely not cancerous. They might, however, suggest another illness, such as chronic cholecystitis.

How to treat cancerous gallbladder polyps?

The best-known treatment used by a surgical gastroenterologist in Kolkata for cancerous gallbladder polyps is gallbladder surgery. If your polyps are accompanied by inflammation or gallstones, your doctor would advise you to get them removed through laparoscopic surgery to avoid future complications. It is a minimally invasive operation in which your gallbladder is extracted through a few tiny incisions. Instead of cutting up your belly, the surgeon inserts a tiny illuminated camera known as a laparoscope through a single small incision and uses it to find the gallbladder on a screen. The gallbladder is then removed via another tiny incision. Every laparoscopic gallbladder surgeon prefers to use the laparoscopic approach since it results in fewer problems and less recovery time (about two weeks).