When is the right time for fistula treatment?

  • 30th Nov, 2022
  • Blog

When is the right time for fistula treatment?

A fistula is a tunnel of tissue that develops between the end of the bowel and the skin near the anal area. Because of anal fistula, patients can experience pain and constipation, which can also lead to infection. The closing of the outer hole of the fistula can lead to a swollen and painful abscess. In order to understand the right time to undergo fistula treatment, it is important to know the causes followed by several symptoms of anal fistula.

What are the causes of anal fistula?

According to the best fistula surgeon in Kolkata, the development of an anal fistula mostly happens after an anal abscess. You can notice when the abscess does not heal properly after draining away the pus. Let’s see some of the common causes of anal fistulas.

  • Crohn’s disease: It is a long-term condition when the digestive system becomes inflamed.
  • Diverticulitis: It happens due to the infection of the small pouches, which can stick out on the side of the large intestine (colon).
  • Hidradenitis suppurative: It is a long-term skin condition that causes scarring and abscesses.
  • Infection with HIV or TB (tuberculosis)
  • Any surgical complication near the anal area that might lead to an anal fistula.

Symptoms of anal fistula- Says the best fistula doctor.

Now you know various causes of anal fistulas. If you want to treat your anal fistula at the right time, then you must identify any of the following symptoms at an early stage.

  • Skin itching or irritation around the anal area.
  • A continuous pain that becomes worse while sitting, moving around, or coughing.
  • Discharge of foul smell from the anus.
  • Passing blood or pus during bowel movement.
  • Red marks and swelling around the anal area and a high temperature in case of having an abscess.
  • Difficulty in controlling bowel movements.

It is extremely vital to identify these symptoms as early detection helps in better fistula treatment. The moment you notice any symptoms, visit the nearest clinic as soon as possible and consult the best doctor for treatment. Before the treatment, you will be diagnosed with a rectal examination followed by a proctoscopy, where a special telescope with light at one end is used to check your anus. Other than this, an MRI scan, CT scan, or ultrasound scan can also be used during the diagnosis. These are some essential things you should remember while deciding the right time for treatment.