Why Choose Laser Fissure Surgery in Kolkata?

  • 18th Apr, 2022
  • Blog

Why Choose Laser Fissure Surgery in Kolkata?

According to Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik, laser fissure surgery in Kolkata is the most effective treatment for chronic anal fissure. 

An anal fissure that lasts longer than eight weeks is considered chronic and is more likely to have a deeper tear and fleshy growths on the inside or outside.

Upon hearing the word surgery, patients often worry about the outcomes and the associated complications. 

“Won’t a surgical wound make the pain worse?” “How long will I be unable to work after surgery?” “Is incontinence a possibility?” “Which surgical technique does the medical community recommend?” These are some of the questions that run into patients’ minds.

These worries were common when conventional surgery was the norm to cure anal fissures.

However, with fissure laser treatment in Kolkata, patients don’t need to stress about the complications and outcomes as they are minimal.

Why is Laser Fissure Surgery in Kolkata Better Than Conventional Surgery?

  • Less discomfort.
  • Quick recovery.
  • Simple procedure.
  • Faecal incontinence or faecal leakage can be avoided.
  • There is little to no bleeding.
  • The amount of post-surgery care and pain management is lesser than conventional surgery.
  • Within 24 hours, patients can resume their normal activities.
  • Laser surgery does not involve cuts or open wounds.

If you decide to go for laser surgery, here are some additional information that you should know about.

Procedure for Laser Fissure Treatment in Kolkata

Laser treatment of anal fissures is the most advanced and safest technique available. The following is a summary of the surgery:

  • A surgeon first applies local anaesthesia.
  • A laser is then inserted into the natural opening of the anus by the surgeon. Then they move it to the fissure’s location.
  • A laser incision is made in the anal muscles, loosening the sphincter muscles.
  • As a result, the fissure scar heals, thereby resolving the patient’s condition.

Additionally, this type of surgery is the most effective because it decreases the likelihood of fissure reopening.

Postoperative Care

According to Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik, a fissure doctor in Kolkata, to ensure a safe and successful recovery, a patient must bear the following in mind and adhere to them.

  • A physician will prescribe stool softeners. The patient must follow the physician’s instructions regarding its use.
  • Patients should follow a high-fibre diet.
  • If the patient is an adult, they must wear loose pants to keep their anal area open.
  • If the patient is a child, the parents or caregivers must change the diapers regularly. 

If you have been suffering from anal fissures for a long time, laser treatment can help you get back to your normal lifestyle in no time.

To consult or book an appointment with Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik, call 8010552552.
If you need any additional information about anal fissure and laser surgery, visit https://www.clinicahealth.in/laser-surgery-for-fissure/.