Common Questions Related to Laser Proctology Answered

Common Questions Related to Laser Proctology Answered

Laser proctology is the application of laser surgery on the regions surrounding the anus and the rectum. You will need to reach out to the best laser surgeon in Kolkata who will guide you and assist you through the entire procedure. Here are some common questions...
What Are the Types of Colon Cancer Surgery?

What Are the Types of Colon Cancer Surgery?

When cells in your colon begin to grow abnormally fast, the condition is known as cancer. One of the treatment options for colon cancer is surgery, either open or laparoscopic. You can opt for colon cancer surgery based on your doctor’s recommendation. In today’s...
What Is Abdominoperineal Resection Surgery?

What Is Abdominoperineal Resection Surgery?

The doctor may have given you some disturbing news, that you will require rectal cancer surgery. You may be wondering what this surgery is and what it entails. In today’s blog, we will give you a brief note about abdominoperineal resection and how you can prepare...
Why Laser Surgery for Piles Is The Right Option?

Why Laser Surgery for Piles Is The Right Option?

Piles, another term for haemorrhoids, is a condition when the veins of the lower anus and rectum become swollen. Piles is a very painful condition and can make the passing of stools uncomfortable and irritating. Patients who suffer from piles doubtless look for a...
EVLT Is the Best Answer to Varicose Veins

EVLT Is the Best Answer to Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are those veins that have broken valves. Since the valves are broken, blood can flow backward and causes it to stay in the veins themselves. This causes the vein to stretch and expand, become twisted, and prevents it from circulating blood properly....